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Arduino Workshop

The workshop is targeted to convey the basic of embedded system development along with an introduction to Arduino as a platform. The material is available according to days. If you have any ideas you would like to share, feel free to mail me! Hope you have fun during the workshop!



Have fun

Keep learning...

Day 1: Introduction to C programming and Arduino

In this session, we shall revise the basics of C programming, and look into a few concepts of working with bits!! 



1. Lab 0   Solutions                                   

2. Lab 1

3. Home Assignment    Template for HA1 - Problem 2

4. Code Templates

5. Lecture Notes

Day 2: Memory organization and pointer + Mechatronics

In this session, we shall look into memory organization of AVR microcontrollers along with concepts of pointers. Then we shall look at some of common actuators, sensors and some ideas of signal conditioning.



1. Lab 2 You are encouraged to try the problems independently.    

2. Template Codes for Lab2 

3. Home Assignment 2

4. Lecture Notes

5. Brightness Control ProblemDo the analysis of the code and understand it!



Interesting Links:

1. BLDC Motor interfacing with Arduino

Day 3: Peripherals and Interfacing

In this session, we shall try to understand basics of AVR microcontroller. We shall visit Timers, Interrupts and ADC to some detailed understanding. Finally we shall interface different types of motors to Arduino.



1. Lab 3

2. Lecture Notes

3. Motor Library     Tutorial

4. a. Homework: Read pages 98-101 from Atmega 328 datasheet.

    b. Homework: Read sections: 24.2, 24.5.2, 24.6.1, 24.7



Interesting Links:

1. Atmega 328 Datasheet

Day 4: Communication

In this session, we shall discuss various communication protocols for wired and wireless communication between Arduino and another device. The second device may be another microcontroller or computer.



1. Lab 4

2. Lecture Notes

3. Homework Assignment 4




Day 5-6: Workshop Project

Now comes the time to apply what we learnt! I believe the project was fantastic! Mind you it was not trivial, especially not for a bunch of people, many of whom had not even touched Arduino 6 days ago!! BRILLIANT JOB guys and gals!


We are short of testing our system together yet, but I believe we shall do it once college resumes. The codes are uploaded below.



1. Arduino 1

2. Arduino 2

3. Arduino 3

4. Matlab




1. C++ Object Oriented Programming (TutorialsPoint)

2. C++ Object Oriented Programming Videos

3. As a reference book, I would suggest to refer to Let Us C++ by Yeshwant Kanetkar. It's good book for starting.


As a side note, I suggest you take a look at Tutorial 1, 2, 5, 20-1, 20-2, 24, 25 from YouTube videos link. It's not a full coverage, but should give you some rough idea of what OOP is!! 


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